Happy New Year!

Happy New Year
Happy New Year from everyone at The Vinyl Corporation! Now we’re working our way through January 2022 , having had a break and chance to recharge our batteries,reflecting back on our business successes and the opportunities that were taken but proved less successful than we expected and hoped. In the current circumstances and the difficult trading conditions experienced in 2021, predictions and business trends usually assist in creating the strategic business plan for the following year, opportunities did occur for the supply of floor graphics
                                                                                              self adhesive vinyl film on floor
and social distancing signage that was totally unprecedented, whilst the nightclub and hospitality sector was decimated for sign business opportunities, so we recognise that structure and planning also has to be adaptable and nimble to react to a very volatile and rapidly changing market place.
New Year’s resolutions are believed to have been started 4,000 years ago as a Babylonian tradition, having a twelve day festival to make promises to repay loans and return borrowed items to their rightful owners, having good intentions which were soon forgotten, but this opportunity to have a fresh start provided individuals and businesses to reassess and learn from the previous year and improve their lives. Now, the University of Scranton research shows that only 43% of people set these goals and 23% break these newly stated resolutions within a week! So without being too statistically based only 8% of people achieve their New Years resolutions- However, these targets and goals are still a good idea in business because they focus on1) Intention – giving a clear indication of direction that the company is heading2) Hope and Engagement- focussing the attention on perceived goals3) Responsibility- Preventing procrastination by giving ownership of tasks4)Inspiration – channeling the direction that the business is aiming forThe “To Do” ListA successful business tends to be Goal driven, which inevitably means updating the to do list frequently and learning from our own mistakes, and hopefully those that others make…. Such as ordering large amounts of a specific vinyl, when it proves to be a good seller and in massive demand, but once the pipeline supply chain is full, the rolls of specialty vinyl, in specific colours can be left in the warehouse until Clearance time! eroding the profits and affecting the bottom line of the business.Optimism in BusinessIn the current unpredictable market a company can form an intended strategy for the current year ahead, but must be adaptable and nimble enough to change its course not just annually but weekly, daily or even hourly and be prepared to achieve bite sized goals,The Vinyl Corporation has formed the strategy for 2022, this is not based on achieving a set turnover or profit for the year end, but to provide a Quality premium product with great friendly service and superb customer after sales service, as for the past thirty five years this principle has served The Vinyl Corporation well and produced a reasonable and fair profit.Price increases have plagued the SIGN VINYL industry throughout its history, However, the past two years have seen significant pricing increases, not just for the actual PVC , paper or adhesive, but the ancillary services such as the transportation of an empty container has increased 800% in two years! Carrier prices, wages, fuel costs have risen exponentially, so The Vinyl Corporation have no alternative other than implement price increases from 17-1-22 it is considered that a fair price is just the consequence of the quality product and service delivered and this is what The Vinyl Corporation is aiming to achieve in 2022.Great Products and Service at a Fair Price pointWith the full range of premium quality products offered from the ubiquitous ORACAL 651 to the Avery Supreme Wrapping Film, encompassing the full range of Gloss and Matt, MONOMERIC, Polymeric and CAST vinyl ranges from the leading manufacturers globally, The Vinyl Corporation can offer help and advice as to the most suitable material for your current project, the dedicated help desk with friendly staff are available on 0115 930 1133 or email your enquiry to dmtvc.march@btconnect.com or place your order online www.thevinylcorporation.co.uk